Absolute Black- Varieties from India

World over, the first preferred choice for counter tops are Black ...specifically absolute black. The original absolute black was from Sweden. Later the Belfast black from South Africa was known as absolute black. After the advent of Zimbabwe black, the title went to them few years back, It was Shanxi black from China, which was known as the best absolute black material. Today available of shanxi black become scarce . Bulk of Absolute black material is quarried from India. there also there are several types of absolute black. I am narrating below some most popular "absolute blacks' from India 1.Warangal Black : Looks similar like Zimbabwe black, very hard. There are sub types here Each quarry produces at least three out of the following 'four varieties. Most dark: Very Dark, Mettalic tone whick stuck , finer grain. But there may be an occasional white vein pass through. This is the most premium variety of Black available in India. Fine grain, Dark colour, Metall...